суббота, 20 сентября 2014
тумблер продолжает ломать меня!
***"And the god of Winter loved Spring."
Bucky, a lonely Winter god, yearned for a companion. He turns to the counsel, asking the other deities for his wish be granted. They loath and despise Winter, and devised a horrendous plan. Granting his request, they create Spring (Steve). Winter and Spring becomes lovers and their happiness grew. But, the longer Spring and Winter remained together the more weak and sickly Spring became. In desperate of help, Winter sought guidance from the other deities one last time and begged for Spring’s life. Satisfied with the turn of events they grant his wish and put a Spring and Winter into a deep sleep. Spring awakens healthy, strong but alone. When Winter awakens, his the memories of is lover had been erased, but a feeling of painful longing grew.
This is the cut and dry version of the story. The actual fanfic is somewhere here on tumblr and I can’t seem to find it. (c)
я. должна. найти. этот. фик.
АААААААААААА!!! - удивился Гарри. (с),
ни с места! я обронил мозги! (c),
'til the end of the line. (c)