whatever it takes
потому что довоенное время - мой любимый период :-D и меня очень прёт :facepalm:

(His parents took him to Washington, D.C. once when he was really little. They got a sitter to watch him while they were at some conference, and the sitter decided Bucky needed more time in nature and took him to the Potomac River trail.

One part of the trail led right up to the cliffs overlooking the river. There was a concrete observation deck with a short guardrail to keep people from falling off the edge and down, down into the rushing, thundering water.

Bucky leaned way over the guardrail, staring down at the white foam of the river, at the sharp rocks. It terrified him in the strangest, most breathtaking way.

The sitter yelled at him, but he couldn't stop.)

— when Bucky looked at Steve, that's how it felt. Like leaning over a guardrail, poised over something unstoppable and massive, with this little tug in his chest pulling him forward.

That's how it felt.




@темы: <3, capsicle, 'til the end of the line. (c), even when I had nothing, I had Bucky. (c), seabass